Saron Lutheran Church
Saron Youth

Youth Wednesdays
and Confirmation​
Youth Wednesdays: games, instruction, activities, learn about Jesus... surprises... :-)
Confirmation: Youth are strongly encouraged to add Confirmation to their Youth Wednesdays registration. Adding in Confirmation means adding in a few requirements for church involvement and worship note assignments each year, plus, in their 9th grade year (or older if Confirmation was not previously completed), there will be some separate instruction during Youth Wednesdays in the spring.
Youth Wednesdays include:
5:45-6:30 p.m. - Social Time with pizza ($1/slice). Drop in and hang out! It's free-time to play games,
chat, etc.
6:30-8:00 p.m. - Large Group/Small Group/Activities
There will also be periodic activities in the summer!
CONFIRMATION: Confirmation is an optional part of Youth Wednesdays. Any youth 6th grade or older who wishes to be confirmed can indicate Yes for Confirmation when registering for Youth Wednesdays.
Confirmation is another name for the Affirmation of Baptism, when young people publicly and formally say yes to living their lives as baptized followers of Jesus. (The Confirmation, or Affirmation of Baptism, service usually takes place sometime in May.)
Confirmation at Saron is Youth Wednesdays plus some additional requirements, such as needing to participate in at least 50% of all Youth Wednesdays, church involvement options, taking Sunday worship notes, etc. Then, in the spring, those registered for Confirmation who are in 9th grade or older, go into a separate group for a more intensive time on the basics of this faith we have been given and on developing life-long practices.
See the PDF below for a list of Confirmation requirements.
Questions? Please email Pastor Kyle at kyle@saron.org.